Sunday, November 9, 2014

Chinese Restaurants and Babysitting

Dear friend,

 How are you? Remember last time when I said I was not going to be so selfish? Well, I did a totally unselfish thing this week: I babysat! I know, I know at my age I should be a pro, a babysitter extraordinaire! I mean I did read all of "The Babysitter's Club"  series... Now, this was a special occasion because I had a day off from school and instead of lounging around the house watching Netflix, I reheated food he refused to eat and begged a child to "please, just take a nap". I can't complain though: he was well-behaved.
The other night I went out to my favorite Chinese restaurant and the fortune my cookie bestowed was SPOT ON! It read: "The time is right to make new friends." Ain't that the truth!? I would never dream of replacing you, dearest friend of mine. But you and I both know our Friday nights are pretty lame. I am tired of our pity parties, as well. Gone are the days of overhearing our so-called "crew" having bonfires without us! I mean would it kill them to at least not talk about it in front of us? Good friends wouldn't do that... I have also been pondering vegetarianism, much to my families chagrin. I am just fed up with some stuff I have been eating and I thought "well why not just rid myself of meat?". Don't worry, I am doing this in baby steps this upcoming week. Wish me luck!

from Hannah,
with love


Saturday, November 1, 2014

22 days too long

Dear friend,

 It has taken me 22 days to feel motivated enough to get on here and tell you how I feel. Maybe because I have not felt intensely for anything lately. Or because I could not be bothered to do so. I have been met with a tidal wave of school stress though and with that I have not been feeling like anything I would say on here would be worthwhile. I had to go to the doctor and now I have to go to the big doctors and that is a bit scary and daunting, but it is nothing major. I have been growing up and swallowing my pride. Maybe even realizing that everything I so desire will not show up on my doorstep in a nicely packaged UPS box just because I want it. I still seem to struggle with friends and finding ones who want to spend time with me. And this whole week I have been thinking "when will it be my turn?" . Every one is growing up and doing the things that (I assume) one does when you come of age. I guess I am a late bloomer.

Right now I need to focus on the things I can control, which is writing. I'm good at that.

from Hannah,
with love
