Sunday, December 7, 2014

What content feels like

 Dear friend,
     I don't have all that much to say, and I promised myself that I would not bother you with meaningless words. But have you ever felt that you are at the in between? Not quite anywhere in particular. I have a lot of exciting things going on. I have even impressed myself. The doctors said I am going to be fine, and I know their right. School is great. But, something's not right. I very well could be borrowing trouble but in church they said that blessings can't come without some amount of conflict. I don't have any conflicts now, but it's not like I've never had any. I am content. I don't hear a lot of people say that. It's either "happy" or "sad". In between isn't a feeling, I guess. But friend, for now, it feels pretty good. Also, I am really loving the Heathers The Musical album. But I know, I know life can be beautiful. And I have become a bit more of an activist of social issues (in my head, at least). Life is good. I am content.

from Hannah, with love



  1. This was really interesting- I agree that people rarely ever use the word content, even though it can be a very accurate description of feeling "in-between". I tend to associate contentedness with feeling "full"- as in not wanting or needing anything more than you already have, which I guess is kind of like feeling calm.


    1. Thanks haha, yeah I guess I have been feeling calm lately :)
